
We can take care of our weighing system even after years of utilisation in harsh conditions. Our goal is not to sell to our customers still new weighing systems, by contrast, we want to maintain the good function of the existing weighing system and to prolong their life cycle.

Portable weighing system VM- 1.2, which has been installed in a quarry in Žlutavá, has more than 15 years of utilisation in harsh conditions.


The process of revitalization

After removing the weighbridge, our service team uninstalled all electronics, including strain gauges. Then the surface was thoroughly cleaned with a pressurized stream of water. After the following drying, the entire steel frame was properly reground, which, considering the local condition, was considerably corroded in certain places. 

Grinding was followed by repair of the crumbled place in the precast concrete. The reparation took place in three stages, using a repair concrete mixture. After the prefabricated material hardened, the frame was fixed with a chemical anchor.

At the customer's request, the scale was also supplemented with stop posts, which are standard on the current version of the scales. The role of the stop posts is in absorb shocks, which are transmitted from weighbridge to steel frame and to prefabricate.

The whole revitalization was finished by the application anti-corrosion paint and by cleaning electrical installation. 

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